For 40 years Norah has fought a hidden battle for justice for her husband, Rev. Robert Bradford MP, who was killed by terrorists on 14th November 1981. Now she is taking her battle and that of other victims of The Troubles of Northern Ireland into the public arena.
It was in their youth Robert and Norah fell in love and a number of years they married. Being both family and career focused, Robert became a Methodist Minister and Norah, a Senior Nurse in the renowned Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast. A few years later they adopted the centre of their lives, their daughter.
Unaware of what was taking place behind the scenes, Republican terrorists were instigating the removal of Protestant families from their homes through intimidation, riots, burning of homes and sniper fire. Their home was on one of those streets in Belfast… it would only be a matter of time before trouble was knocking on their door.
Almost every day someone’s phone was ringing… a loved one was murdered. Then came the day when the call came through to Norah… another person has been murdered: Robert.
How does one get over terrorists taking a loved one’s life? How do you tell your daughter Daddy not coming home again?
In her dynamic and yet loving book ‘When Time is Taken’ Norah shares the ups and downs after a beloved one is taken, but also shares the onslaught of Republican terrorists projecting themselves as victims while crying out for sympathy. All the time they were the creators of victims.
The world has changed a lot from the end of The Troubles in Northern Ireland, but terrorism still haunts people in the back of their minds, from London, France, USA, etc… slaughter of the innocent in the name of a sick belief.
Thousands of people in Northern Ireland have walked a lonely path while those in power pretend to care; the pain of injustice carries the scar more than the loss of the loved one now.
With her life as a nurse and her story of losing a loved one to terrorism, Norah not only sits with victims but helps them through those dark valleys of despair.

Robert & Norah’s daughter
Norah Bradford has a passion to see people recover from the destruction that comes when a love one is taken. In her years married to Robert they reached across the communities of Northern Ireland and further afield of which she still does to this day