For 40 years Norah has fought a hidden battle for justice for her husband, Rev. Robert Bradford MP, who was killed by terrorists on 14th November 1981. Now she is taking her battle and that of other victims of The Troubles of Northern Ireland into the public arena.

It was in their youth Robert and Norah fell in love and a number of years they married. Being both family and career focused, Robert became a Methodist Minister and Norah, a Senior Nurse in the renowned Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast. A few years later they adopted the centre of their lives, their daughter.

Unaware of what was taking place behind the scenes, Republican terrorists were instigating the removal of Protestant families from their homes through intimidation, riots, burning of homes and sniper fire. Their home was on one of those streets in Belfast… it would only be a matter of time before trouble was knocking on their door.

About The Author

Norah Bradford has a passion to see people recover from the destruction that comes when a loved one is taken. In her years married to Robert, they reached across the communities of Northern Ireland and further afield, which Norah still does to this day.


It was at 17 years of age that Norah first glimpsed Robert with a less than flattering impression. It took all his charm and wit when almost a year later she agreed to date him, and it was years later before she walked down the aisle with him.

Robert became a Methodist Minister and Norah a SRN in the renowned Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast. A few years later they adopted their daughter.

Nothing was normal at this time in Northern Ireland. For years terrorists inflicted death and turmoil on the people and whether you were Catholic or Protestant they would strike at families not caring if it was a mother or child or whoever got in the way of their quest for a united Ireland.


Norah has spoken to British Government, American Senators, church gatherings, and given inspirational talks on TV, radio, etc.

